Thursday, November 30, 2006

Zat time again

Remember this one Thursday last year, when I posted pictures from my hall of the Christmas Chaos on the lawn below? Well it happened again!! So, it's Christmas time again.

Today was my early/long day, and I'm pretty tired. Stayed up late last night doing homework for the class I've only messed up one assignment for (too bad it was a pretty important paper.... -_-). And this morning in film lab I had to direct a stupid live news show. Not my thing at all. But it's overwith, forever.

It was super cold today. Except for like right at 2:30, it was sorta hot. But then it got cold again. Right now I'm wearing my sweatshirt over my snazzy jacket. But our heater works, and we been using it well.

I keep being distracted while writing this. Right now it's Gray's, but I'm a little sad I live in a mod of girls, because I'd rather not have just missed the season premier of Scrubs. But it was funny, what I saw. Also wish I could watch 30 Rock. I should probably just buy one of them little black & white tvs. Hooray tv.

In some interesting for me news, I've been writing short stories about Ryan. And Ryan-related people. It's a lot of fun. Should be writing for my screenplay/play, though. I'll get around to 'em. But the semester's almost over, and that's exciting.

I've decided that I want to watch more shows with techno in the background. That'd be great. A whole show with original scored techno. Yeaaah, that sounds like a good idea.

Try this: when out and about, randomly point and shout: "Look at that (random thing) I'm hallucenating!!" I promise it's really fun.

Um, what else, what else. Happy Thursday! If I didn't say that yet. Oops, I'm reminded I was gonna do laundry today. Oh, it's fine, i'll do it tomorrow morning. no morning class, the other lab is doing news shoots. Don't have to go to chapel, either, 'cause I've got 5 absences left and only four chapels to miss. It's fun.

Ok, I'm leaving now. Hahahah.


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