Happy Thursday and Happy March! You all know what that means~ You have a good ten days.
I want to talk about the weather. Last week or so I happened to be walking back from West Campus and I was startled to see that one tree with the little pink flowers. I mean, it already had those flowers. And here I was feeling like winter had finally started. But it's pretty much the same time of year as that photojournalism thing I did last time around. Those crazy trees are growing greeny leaves while their old purple leaves are still waiting to fall.
The weekend, though, it rained. And was really cold. Well, the whole week it's been cold. Cold as it's been all year. For the first time today it cleared up so that Mt. Baldy with its impressive snow was quite shocking. That whole range is just blanketed in snow, and I think that it's just from this last week.
Tuesday I felt like it was Fall again. I know that fall and spring are analogous seasons, being transitions between the hot and cold ones, but you know spring is always supposed to feel warmer (in comparison to the recent winter). But Tuesday had that burning smell in the air that, at least in my experience, tells me that Halloween is on its way. This was on the way to Japanese, and in an hour and half it was feeling like Nantucket. Which I also associate with fall, 'cause that was the only time I was there. But that wasn't nearly as pleasant an association. But also this day I thought that it was cold like Easter morning is cold, the way late spring still feels like winter but looks like summer.
Wednesday was windy (haha), this very clear cold wind. It felt like one of those late spring days like before, but the one that looks sunny so you go to the beach? It felt like I was at the beach, and it was that uncomfortable cold that makes you wish you hadn't come at all. But the clouds were very high and ...artistic looking. Like they were painted up there. But it was sooooo cold last night, seriously the coldest its been all winter. I would have gone to Megan's apartment to watch Lost, but I doubted I'd survive the journey.
I guess I just really love noticing weather and seasons, since I went through this exact same phase at exactly this same time last year. Although I did already declare that it was spring a few weeks ago. I always seem to be too optimistic about this season. But I do think that it'll get warmer fast. It is Azusa, after all.
Going to brag about school:
Jesus class paper that was due a few days before I turned it in? 90. Same grade as aforementioned Megan, who's a little angry with me. ^^ And only 3 other people in the class got As, too. Also, this class is seriously amazing 'cause he's showing us a movie today and next Tuesday, and cut down our final paper to basically just a list. Love that class.
Japanese midterm on Tuesday? Got 99/100. Better than Sho, the Japanese student. XD I missed a part on the little essay section, because I used "と - to" to connect two adjectives (it only connects nouns), and I should have used "くて - kute," a bit of grammar we haven't learned yet.
And, of course, the week is over for me.
Oh, and also, I think I've finally figured out how to work the potter's wheel. Wednesday started out as a failure day in clay class, where I continued and persisted in failing. But it was one of those things where every time I saw something I could do different next time, and then I finally succeeded! I made a pot! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever made. Because there's so many things that can (and do) go wrong in the process of throwing.....you gotta get the air bubbles outta the clay, you gotta center it freaking *exactly*, you gotta center it MORE, you gotta make sure the hole is straight down the middle, you gotta pull it so the walls don't get too thin.....and you have to do all of this every time, or else even if you do start getting something that looks like a pot, it'll fall down before you're done. Just like everything of mine has done for the past two weeks. But I did it! And I hope I'll continue doing it.
I cleaned my desk the other day, 'cause I couldn't nap. It frees up time to do useful things in. Oh, I don't think I mentioned in the Thursday thing, 'cause last week I seem to have been a little scattered. For Lent I gave up naps. Not a comment on the evilness of naps, just, putting something aside for a while to focus on something else. Like cleaning and doing homework.
Oh, and writing! I wrote some randomness for my nii-chan Goten 'cause he suddenly demanded "six more stories" from me. I got two out, and I'm thinking about the third. They're about a crazy guy named Jensen who lives in this abandoned crazy house. If you want to read them, you can always visit my "writing journal," which should be linked on the side somewhere.
I'll leave you all with this pleasant little video: Bits o' GLASS Muffin!
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