Thursday, March 06, 2008

Another Day, Another Tooth

Happy Thursday! Did you know that when you next see me (most of you), I will be 21? It's true! How bizarre. My blackjack birthday. And my brother et al will be visiting me! I'll take pictures, it'll be cute.

Already I got a shiny snazzy new camera, which is all kinds of awesome. It's black and cute and for some crazy reason the 2GB memory cards where the same price as the 1GB, and that's always fun to find. We took pictures:

Because I also got such items pictured, but they are for the Ink-Man, which begins production at the end of the month.

Also got a little sombrero for Riko! Finally. Been lookin for one of those for forever.

Now, to be confusing, I got my third Zune this year, and his name is Riku. Exchanged the refurbished one (Roxas) for a brand-new one, but they were out of brown, so Riku is black. He looks like a stranger. I keep seeing it and going, what is that? Oh. My Zune. It's weird. But he works perfect like he's supposed to, and that's great. So thanks Mom 'n Dad! I really appreciate it.

Since I seem to be going out of order, let me re-explain that I went home this weekend. For the dentist. Gotta go back again, too. It's really cool.

Well, last Friday I never came home -- I went to chapel, straight from there to class, straight from there to the ER, straight from there to the other campus for filming, and we were there from 3 PM to like 2 AM. Brianna came and was an extra! But I didn't have to go anywhere on Saturday -- but I did, I went to dinner and then the mall and then the play with Beth. It was fun.

Sunday I went home! Monday was the dentist, and I hung out with Carolyn a slight bit, 'cause she's cool and drove me to the dentist, waited, and drove me back. Drummed a little RockBand. I'm really bad. But the night before I'd had a dream where I was drumming, but the icons that were going across the screen were like potterys, and I had to smash them with the drumsticks. It was intense. And then I went to my mom's class and showed the kids my movie.

Wednesday I made lunch with Brianna and we watched Brigadoon. Gene Kelly's always awesome, but this was only just a little better than most. Really liked near the end, when it got depressing. Saw Gigi today in class, and I actually enjoyed it. Oh, also Wednesday was the Bible Experience Live! which I got in to for free because I volunteered at it. Not a bad show, although it did play at times like an advertisement. Some famous people were there.

So today I had my first class since ever, but before that I had academic advising! Which actually went really well -- I have three classes and 18 units left to graduate, right? So I'm signed up for Acting Fundamentals and Senior Seminar (my last requirements), and then Sci-Fi Films, Intermediate Screenwriting, and Episodic Drama. But wait! you say, That's only two required classes and 15 units! What else!

Well, my friends, I'll tell you. Right now I'm in Motion Picture Production I, which is followed by Motion Picture Production II. However, MPPII isn't being offered in the Fall!!!! BUT. There is a little something called "course replacement," where I say, I'm taking TFT 499, make it count for TFT 462. So me and Kelly and Andrew, who are all in the same boat of needing MPPII, are gonna make a Capstone, which is basically the same as what we'd be doing in MPPII. And that's three units, and then I'm outta here for good!!

Tomorrow I'm going on a fieldtrip with MPPI, to USC. Really looking forward to it. It'll be a good day.


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