Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am so full of food

Happy Thursday! I made dinner tonight and then ate the leftovers just a little while ago. Used this recipe, which is just as good as it's five stars imply. Didn't go all out with the lamb this time, just had microwavable frozen chickens, but both ways is good. My favorite is the couscous. And the tomatoes.

So Lost. A lot of surprises. A lot of stuff I liked, especially with Ben and Keamy (thanks to the trivia pop-up I now know his name), but the tippy tippy end of it? Not a good enough payoff. By then of course it has to be one of a certain amount of people, but that specific one? I almost don't care. Will definitely be awaiting next season, though.

This week we watched Batman Forever, Planet of the Apes (Wahlberg), The Bee Movie, The Batman Movie (Adam West), and I guess that's it this time. Also caught Iron Man again in theaters, still good. (Did you know Captain America's shield is in it? Can't wait for that movie~) The best of them was....The Batman Movie. I believe its actual title is just "Batman," but there's two of those, so. It's full of ridiculousness that I just love, don't care if everyone else thinks it's stupid.

Similarly, I started watching the Batman show on youtube, and it's even better than the movie. Actually less over-the-top, but just as nonsensical. It's kinda like the perfect show for me. I wish they would put it to DVD already.

Rediscovered podcasts (through Zune, lol) and have been listening to old radio shows from like the 30s and 40s. Superman, Sherlock Holmes, The Blue Beetle, lol. Started with The Shadow on youtube, but the quality wasn't very good. And then I went and downloaded a bunch of other things, like these two guys rambling about film noir, and the Marvel and DC "official podcasts."

A lot of things I'm doing this summer trace back to The Ink-Man, in that I'm using it as an excuse to explore new things. Like the superhero genre, and comic books. But I was also planning on doing a radio show (I love love love radio, I just usually forget that I do. I probably secretly love radio more than I love film) featuring an Ink-Man script, so now I'm studying the very nature of the podcast, and the old radio drama style. But that noir show reminded me that this superhero binge was originally a study for Ink-Man, and that the other half of the genre of my movie is actually noir, so now I'm studying noir. Just so happened that one of their episodes was on Batman Begins as noir, so things are really overlapping. And when I went into the library today, I exited with "Essential Captain America, vol. 2," a biography on Orson Welles, "Early Film Noir," and "Radio Comedy."

All my interests coincide.

And then the other thing I've been doing is actually writing. Not Ink-Man 2, which is what I really really should be doing, but creating my own superhero universe. Just have the one story so far, but it's almost done at 13 pages, and a sequel is already smashing around inside my head. What's the most comforting is that I'm doing input input input, but actually getting something in return for it. Maybe one day this story will lead into what I want it to--my own superhero team, Chaos Watch. It's gonna be good.

Have an interview at Blockbuster tomorrow, and if I get the job and the free rentals to go along with it, I will be unstoppable.


ps, I should be hunting raccoons with my trusty sidekick Donnie right about now.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Movie Mania!

Happy Thursday! I hope your days/week were well.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Eh, pretty bad. Not irrevocably so, but I don't really recommend it. Unless you're a big FF fan, specifically of Johnny Storm. He has a few worthy moments, even if it doesn't make much sense.

Not half bad. I know I never saw it because Daredevil sucked so bad and this was purported to be worse. Untrue. It was pretty solid, ie, I didn't hate it. Plot was a little thin, and some of the acting was gag-worthy, but some of the action sequences made up for it. Garner really held her own, although I couldn't really tell if I was watching Elektra or Sydney Bristow.

Ghost Rider
Under any circumstances, do not watch.

Blades of Glory
Pretty run-of-the-mill for a Ferrell movie. Had some moments. Talladega Nights was better. Jenna Fischer was unexpectedly dull, although that may have been acting.

Superman Returns
Probably the best of the bunch. I think I remember hearing that it didn't do well/people didn't like it, but I wouldn't be able to tell you why either of things things would be true. Wasn't outstanding, no, but it was better than average--and I've found that most people like average. I don't follow Superman on principle, but there where a number of times where I really felt for the character, just based on my inherent background understanding of the guy. Routh was a pretty smashing Clark Kent, as well. James Marsden held his own as the third wheel (he's pretty much patented that role), but the rest of the casting was pretty weak. There were also some times where things ran long, but overall, it's pretty good.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
I would say that this is only meaningful to people who've played FFVII, but honestly I haven't, and it still packs a punch. Vague knowledge of the game is helpful/a must, so I don't really know how it stands on its own. That being said, I really love it and think it's amazing. Check out those graphics, man! The story may be incoherent, but it's Japanese and to be expected. I think they fit in some good emotional stuff in between all their snazzy technological fight sequences.

If you're wondering what I did with my week, I just told you.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

I still gotta write my Thursday thing

Happy Thursday! The return of exciting TV has once again postponed this to the late hours. Not that TV has just returned, but I guess I've had more freedom prior to Prime Time in recent weeks. Ah, I dunno what I'm talking about.

Last week I was in Seattle? That sounds about right. Still gotta take my pictures off my camera, but I haven't even been on my computer in weeks. That sounds silly, but it's because our wireless network at home is ... not on. So I've found that no internet kinda makes my own computer meaningless. Sadday for little Nikita. But I suppose it just means that the internet is like 80%+ of what I use computers for.

Seattle was fun, even if planes are not. I wish I had more interesting stories about it. The crazy guy on the bus was pretty fun, all "corrupt criminals....research conducted by corrupt criminals...criminals, corrupt, I did NOT...what do you want to DO with your life?!" amid actually crazy garbly sounds.

The rest of the week was pretty laid back. Hanging out with Carolyn, job hunting, playing Guitar Hero and a bit of Rock Band, mostly reading comics. That's my new kick. Comics! Well, actually, super heroes, but that sorta comes out of Ink-Man+Iron Man, and they are largely found in comics.

I've been exploring the Marvel Universe, into which I entered through Iron Man fic. But the fic was of the comic, right? So of course I had to go to that to find out what all the background information was, yeah? Still not overly interested in the X-Men or Spiderman, but I've found a fandom in the Captain America franchise. Captain America...kinda seriously rocks. He's in the Avengers with Iron Man, so that works out well. Read some on Marvel's "read a comic online!" but the ones they had for free were not extensive. Checked out a book of Captain America/the Falcon, and Batman: Year One (which is similar to Batman Begins, I think I've read) from the library today. Bought old old cheap comics of Batman and one of Marvel's "Strange Tales" title starring Cloak & Dagger and Dr. Strange.

I should write comics! Is the idea, so now I have to read them, right? This may come as a shock, but I promise it has it's own backstory motive. I have about two shoeboxes full of Sonic the Hedgehog comics in my closet upstairs, I swear it. So comics are cool, and not at all outside my realm of interests. Especially when the good ones get turned into good movies, I have a home there, too.

Who wants to pencil me an Ink-Man comic??

Batman: TAS happened to be on today, and that's where it all started, really. An old ep in the style I don't prefer, but Catwoman was in it, and it's good to see Bruce caring about something other than crime. But after that was Smallville, and here's something else shocking--it was good. I mean, I didn't have any derisive comments to bandy about. None. I was actually watching, and, you know, feeling emotions. I was happy, I was shocked, I was worried, I was thrilled, I was upset, I was heartbroken--it was really intense. There was a particularly nice piece between Michael Rosenbaum (Lex, who's always been the best thing about the show) and Aaron Ashmore (Jimmy Olsen, who I respect from VM), and that's about when I new that this had become a legitimate show. I was impressed.

Oh, and a little villainous James Marsters didn't hurt, either. His reveal was quite breathtaking.

Then was The Office! Terrific episode. The ones since they've come back...haven't been fantastic. But they really pulled this one off. I was happy for everyone--for Phyllis, for Michael even. Those two really had a day. And Jim..oh, Jim. This was not his season. I hope they don't do anything rash, although I really should have seen that curveball coming (but maybe not it's exact deliverance XD ANDY). Can't wait for next season.

And all through Lost I thought it was also the finale. But alas! Two weeks from now we get a two-hour final dose! That's why so many things weren't wrapped up. XD This ep was not as full of surprises/answers as previous episodes, but it was solid. The flash forwards were also somewhat dull, but I was happy about Jack's because I'd been wondering if/how he knew. I'm wondering if maybe the gimmick next season will be real-time on the mainland and flashbacks to the island in the "current." That's kinda been what this season has been, anyway, except the flashforwards haven't been chronological. Oh, but Ben's from Ben's episode now makes sense, as why, in the future, Widmore would need to find the island again. I'm glad Ben succeeds. XD I'm rooting for ya, buddy!

Um, I suppose that's about all. If you have any comics, books about comics, or superhero movies, I'd love to borrow them. And see Iron Man with you. And Speedracer, by the way.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thursday From Around the World!!

Happy Thursday! I'm not actually around the world, but I am in another state. Seattle! (not that Seattle's a state) Visiting my sister at UW, so it's all very exciting and whatnot.

But it's also very very cold. Feels like Christmas. Except for in the direct sunlight, then it's very hot. So it's confused. But hopefully it'll be warmer tomorrow? It's not actually that bad today. I'm just whiny.

I'm in my sister's room right now, 'cause she's off at work. Just read some fantastic Iron Man fanfic, because I am oh-so obsessed. More on that later. When she comes back, we're gonna hang out some more, and then watch the Office, and then there's some sort of hall event involving grilled cheese and Grey's. (I've been watching Lost on the internet for the past two weeks, anyway)

Yesterday was a plane ride and a bus ride, which were both uneventful. My sister's bf Josh came to the airport to escort me to the school, and that was way nice, because I'd probably end up not making it on my own. Then we hung out in her room for a while (she bought a box of Cheez-it and a Mr Pibb in expectation of my visit) before heading into the wide world for some insanely good Thai food. Then we got coffee and "sat in the secret room at Lander" for a while. Tomorrow will be even more jam-packed with events like exploring and having coffee.

Was it last Thursday that I was still at school? I'm checking. (If I was Tony Stark, I could do it in my mind...) Why yes, yes it was. Since Saturday I've been on Summer, and that's kinda awesome. Saw Made of Honor with the folks that night, and it was fairly good. "Good" by chick-flick standards, but not overly so. Definitely not bad. I love the Demps when he's not in Grey's--that character is killing him.

Then Sunday me and my dad went and saw Iron Man! Now listen, when I heard of it/was made to watch trailers, I was only somewhat interested. Some of it looked like it could possibly be cool, and the rest of it looked like it would be the dumbest thing ever. So that's what I went in with, when I saw it. Okay, but guys, it's a fantastic movie. I am filled with fannish mumblings, and it's not like it's Batman or anything else I like on principle. Go. See. It. It will exceed your expectations, probably even if you want to see it. It is very, very good.

And I finally got my new tooth! (relevant because Monday happens after Sunday) You can see some of the metal, so it's kinda like a silver tooth. It's definitely better than the temporaries, although I'm still babying it. I bet it's just fine by now, though.

And Tuesday I got a cute haircut and Wednesday I came here. Other than that, it's been the Iron Man fic and Guitar Hero, which is on loan for the summer. Oh, and one of those days I caught up on Office (weird) and Lost (weirder! but intense) and even Chuck (good, but I don't know where they think they're going), so it's been a very mediaed week. Started reading one of my Screenwriting magazines I got for Christmas, and I'm really happy about the industry I am trying to get into. XD

Haha, I got some Cheez-it stuck under my new tooth, so now I've got a salt-lick going. Don't you find that fascinating?? Try putting some salt in some half-n-half sometime, too, that's actually quite tasty. So are organic bread bowls. And the coffee here. Well, the mochas, anyway. I bet the actually coffee is just as disgusting as it is anywhere. XD

Um, okay. I think she's getting off work soon, so fun will ensue. I'll see you guys all again soon!!


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Packin' Up, Movin' Out

Happy Thursday! I'm sorta angry that I used "What Time Is It?" for the back-to-school post (crazy Disney, releasing their yay-it's-summer movie in August) because we just watched High School Musical 2 again last night and that song is highly highly appropriate today.

If you don't get the reference, you clearly haven't asked me what time it is in the last nine months or so. The correct response to the question in question is "Summertime!!!"

Except this time it's true.

Monday I finished and turned in an 8-page paper on the contemporary artist Henrijs Preiss. His stuff is really good, and apparently so was my paper, because it was worth 50% of my grade and I got an A- in the class.

Tuesday was Comm Theory final, which went next to horribly. But I'm pretty sure I'll get something in the high-C/low-B range. Just need to pass, is all.

Wednesday we didn't have a final--Story and Character's blow out bash was that magazine-cutting up day. Har Har, film major is me.

Lastly today, American Film Musical, which was ridiculous. 4-5 pages each question? Compare Altman's view of the audience to Feuer's?? Analyze Minnelli's directorial expertise especially citing the SIX of his films we watched in class? This class was supposed to be fun. I was definitely getting hand-arthritis by the end of it. But it'll be good. Hammy loves me.

And no final in Motion Picture, just a snazzy screening of all our movies. Props to everyone, we put out a lot of quality product in that class. I'm wondering if I can get a hold of that DVD? I've been trying to make my own (of just The Ink-Man, of course), but it's been giving me troubles. And tomorrow I might be learning how to make it internet-ready. Then everyone can see it!

It went over really well, too. My mom and dad came down to the "premiere" and I'm really glad. And Jenn came, too! And Laura and her boyfriend, and they collectively were like the only non-CBA people there. But everyone laughed, and it was a pretty good reaction for my little writer's heart. Watching it with everyone there in the little fake theater was awesome. That was the most people to ever watch anything of mine, even cumulatively. And next time? It'll be even better!!

Right after our premiere was the AFS night, which is the Azusa Film Society, which is APU's film club, which I believe was around before the department was. They screened their movie which they made in like a week (it was pretty good!) and one of the other studio films I helped on was showed (also pretty good, but maybe not as good), and some shorts from various sources (mostly all very good), and Jesse's first movie from my class. But my favorite of the night was this => link

Did I mention that this was out in the drive-in? It's now a parking lot, but the rises are all still there (so it's a pretty crummy parking lot), and they set up a little inflatable screen and we all tuned our radios to 107.4 or something. It was RIDICULOUSLY cute. And even though it ended at 11, it was really nice out and just plainly one of the coolest things I've ever participated in.

The night before that, I'd gone to the "real" premiere, of the movies that the faculty picked as best of the best. ....Missed the first two on account of not being able to find the theater....and the last three were alright. I know it's probably not APU-PC to say so, but I think the AFS night had better films all-in-all.

The weekend was a lot of fun hanging out...I'm just now remembering that after all the movies, we watched High School Musical the first. So Saturday was probably a waste...Sunday I know we had an insane Mario Party Extravaganza, the gang of us, Jenn and me and Beth and Sam.........

Which we can't have anymore because Brianna moved away and took the Wii, and just now Megan's dad came and took the couch and the thing all the consoles and tv were on, and the antenna, too! So I'm missing the Office and Lost today. ;_; But that's what tomorrow's for, right? ABC's streaming eps thing is actually really cool. NBC's still sucks. But whatev.

Next week I'm going to Seattle to hang out with my sister! Thursday in an exotic locale, how fancy!

Okay, I'm going to go kill something to eat now.
