Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tokio Hotel

Happy Thursday! I'm writing short and fast because it's almost time for work and I might forget by the time I get back.

Yeah, I work at Blockbuster! Started this week! It's pretty good; I haven't had to deal with customers yet, so it's mostly busywork type tasks such as sorting, pricing, destroying, what have you. And so far only 4-hour shifts, although Saturday it'll be a 6 hour one. WOWO. Come visit me.

Um, I'm not going to recommend Tokio Hotel to you, because it's probably no to your tastes, but if you were interested in the band I'm currently interested in, look up Tokio Hotel on youtube. And, if you do, Bill is not a girl, because that will be the first question you ask. So I love Tokio Hotel, a German band, and I can't stop listening/singing along! Pulled out my German dictionary, even, heheheh.

Um, AX is next weekend.....err, actually a week from today. Dude. We still need to finish our costumes bad. XD They're coming along, but none are done done. It'll happen though, it always (usually) does. YAY I LOVE THE AX. It's probably my favorite set of days of the whole year. Jacqi's can't go anymore, though, so that's sad.

Me and Carolyn watched Mystery Men yesterday, but it was only okay. I never saw it because I heard it was dumb, but always secretly thought I'd like it. But eh. The Shoveler was cool, though.

Um, I don't think anything else happened this week. I think I've been working and when not working, gleaning youtube for Tokio Hotel. But now I have all the albums so I'm not on youtube anymore.

OH we saw Get Smart last weekend. Just as funny as I hoped it would be, but the story and characters were highly secondary. XD All the gags from the trailers were not funny anymore, and I'm happy that my favorite part didn't even make it into the movie (Max: I'm sorry, Chief!!! The Rock: He can't hear you, Max.) It really wasn't ever screaming-with-laughter-funny, either, just a lot of little jokes you laughed at every few minutes. So, yeah. I think it might also be a bit more worthwhile to people who have seen some of the show, because sometimes things would happen and I think newcomers would be lost.

AH. It's time to get ready for work now.

Also, my car needs all kinds of new brakes or something, and I've been driving in a death trap!! Or something like that. Have to drive the van to work. See you laterz.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hot Like Summer

Happy Thursday! Weather man says even hotter tomorrow! I can't wait! It's finally approaching appropriate summer temps, like the high 80s. There was even a fire today! I'm sitting at the table, looking at the beautiful clear blue sky through the nice green trees, and there is this brown cloud out over the mountains....definitely a brush fire over there! I think they got it under control because when we were out driving the sky totally cleared up.

So Jacqi and her special gentleman friend Greg visited for the weekend, so the gang partied it up. We thrifted, searched in the sand for very small rocks, barbecued at Carolyn's, the last of which included much Rock Banding. Also, stalking in grocery stores followed closely by chopping of vegetables.

The bad thing about summer is that I can't keep track of the days, and I can barely remember the events contained within them. Like an old retired person. Speaking of which, I got caught behind a tremendously old man on the main street, and we were clipping along at a brisk 20 mph. I loved it. You can expect that from me in a few years. You know, when I'm old.

The news just said that the feet found looked as if they had probably just naturally separated from the bodies. That's great.

Um, have you ever seen Moonlighting? A really good detective show from the 80s? Bruce Willis, Cybil Shepard. It's sorta amazing. The pilot is like a good movie. Bought season 1 and 2 at Fry's a while back for like $20, and I'm really glad for it. We watched it on tv a few years ago, 'cause it was on and my mom was all WOW I REMEMBER THIS IT'S GOOD. And she was right so it hooked us all. But then it drifted away and I forgot about it until I bought the dvds. It's very funny, and Bruce Willis has some priceless lines that are both iconic and very unique. Like, "And the plot thinnens," which is something I've always remembered from seeing that episode all those years ago.

I suppose I saw The Incredible Hulk this last weekend. Not gonna lie, my favorite part was the snazzy entrance of one Tony Stark, but the rest of the movie didn't disappoint, either. I wasn't crazy impressed--don't have any strong feelings towards the Hulk in the first place, and the film was written by Zak Penn (X2, Elektra, Fantastic Four, X-Men: The Last Stand--all movies I rate from mediocre-minus to downright shoddy). He's also slated to write both the Captain America movie and the Avengers movie, so I'm a decent amount worried for my Steve. UM back to Hulk, it certainly wasn't awful like Penn's previous works, but there were things that struck me wrong, and sequences that I took a deep dislike to. But the effects were good....? ...Edward Norton was good, but I never really bought him as Bruce Banner.

All in all, I think I like Ang Lee's better. Less action movie, more comic book. Better casting? Still good graphics. I don't care what anyone else says about it.

Out of the forthcoming Marvel movies, I'm honestly the most excited about Ant-Man (after the Iron Man sequel, of course), because it's being co-written and directed by Edgar Wright, who is my co-writing and directing hero. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, people, are two of the best-written movies I've EVER seen in my life, and I'd be lying if I didn't attribute some of my Ink-Man directorial techniques to Mr. Wright. (lulz, Mr. Wright) So yes, this is my endorsement for Ant-Man (and Shaun and Hot Fuzz and Spaced while I'm at it).

What else would you care to know? I played with Donnie a lot today, he really likes chasing plant fronds. When I was trimming the dead stems off of this plant of mine, he jumped right up into the bucket to fight it for me. I also gave him a dance, and I was right for wearing gloves while attempting it, because he did get bitey.

I also checked out a Raymond Chandler novel from the library today, and I kinda love it. It's good writing like I haven't read in a long while, and he'll throw out these zingy one liners that catch you off guard and make you actually laugh. Which I find intensely interesting, given that Chandler is one of the fathers of Noir. I think I will go back to reading soon.

I thought I was going to write about something else, but then I remembered that the book was actually the other thing I was going to write about. So alright, I'm a little older than I'd like to admit. But I've been putting the Brain Blend in my smoothies from Blenders, so maybe it's not too late to turn this dementia around!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daniel's House

Happy Thursday! I was instructed to make this post today all about Daniel's house, but I'll confine it to about a paragraph.

Daniel's house is a green-grayish color. Daniel's house has a lot of plants. Daniel's house has a party in it. Daniel's house has a lot of high school kids in it. Daniel's house has three cats. Daniel's house has several video game systems. Daniel's house has an upstairs full of drums. Daniel's house has a table covered in snacks, which include, but are not limited to radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, and carrots. Daniel's house is very very far away.

I don't remember much about this week. I guess I spent a lot of it at home doing nothing. I really really should be writing this story I'm calling "Project North," because it leads into so many things, but I get hung up on wanting to write the later parts, and that just won't do. So I haven't been writing, but I've been thinking, which is like writing, only it happens first and no one believes that I've been doing it.

I guess I spent some time at Carolyn's house, too..... one day there was a party, I remember. Played a lot of Rock Band. Got 100% on one song on Expert bass. Sang a bit...the next day, I think. Played Guitar Hero at home, but I like Rock Band better just because playing bass is way easier than guitar. Less quick riffs and chords, which are the two things I will never be able to conquer. And, of course, you get to play Rock Band with friends and be cool. Guitar Hero is much lonelier.

I feel like I've been doing a lot more driving than normal, too. But I don't know to where. The other day I woke up early and went to the Blockbuster to get the paperwork done, but the computer wouldn't let him hire me yet, so I have to go in tomorrow. But I drove straight to the park from there, and took a walk. The weather's been real nice lately. I haven't been doing nearly enough walking as I would like.

Maybe Jacqi will go on walks with me. She and Greg are in town for the week, so we're gonna party it up. Maybe see Speedracer if it's at the cheap theater. OH GAIZ my favorite part of the week was the new Hulk trailer with Tony in it. I mean, of course I knew Tony was in it, but actually seeing him again just makes me so giddy.

Speaking of Iron Man, while I was helping my mom plug in her new speakers for her computer at school, the daycare lady started talking about her son (who's like a strange clone of me with all my interests) and he was a PA on Iron Man. I WANT TO PA ON IRON MAN. So I will befriend this person and make him bring me to the set and I will succeed at life.

The other high points of the week are Michael Jackson's Thriller, the song Still Alive from the game Portal, and Coldplay's Viva La Vida. Can't get enough of them. I recommend them to you all.


Thursday, June 05, 2008


Happy Thursday! It's finally summertime, judging by the overcast mornings and warm+ days, the puttering around in the garden, and feverish crafting of AX costumes. Just for the record, "puttering" involves a lot more standing and staring at cactuses than you might otherwise suspect.

The AX is in less than a month! A lot of us are going in the same costume as each other--which I guess is pretty common if I think about it (we went as FMA military, then Host Club students, all matching). In the show Naruto, which is about ninjas, there is a special class of ninja called ANBU, who all dress alike and wear masks to protect their identity. We are going as an ANBU army! It's a much less elaborate costume than some years, but masks, armguards, vests, and boots must be made.

Boots are kinda my responsibility, and they're working out so far. XD They need to be black, almost knee-high, toeless, and have these bands around them. So we've bought rubber fishing boots, cut 'em down the back and velcroed them back tighter, cut off the toes, and glued foam strips around them, which actually are additional fasteners. The hardest part was finding rubber boots, and then a glue that would adhere to them. I think Carolyn's pair is done, mine are mostly done, and we have to do...three or four more pairs?

Carolyn's sewing sewing sewing, and I'm kind of sitting there and watching. XD

When I'm not doing that, I'm trying to walk a lot. We've got this ellipse, right? Like an elliptical machine? Listening to podcasts, radio shows, reading that giant Captain America book and others. Three miles in a hour, most days! Kinda took today off, only did a mile in half an hour. I also want to get out in the world and do walking, too. My goal is to be able to walk some place, no matter where, if I really needed to. I think that's somewhat important.

Other than that! I've been pursuing a career at Blockbuster. Just waiting for the background check to come back, and then I'm pretty sure I've got it. Unless someone of you has sabotaged my records.

Watching So You Think You Can Dance. I like dancing, but I miss real tv. I just told my mom that we're gonna start watching Firefly next. She's sat through VM with me, I think it's about time to move on. Heck, she even used to watch Buffy with me when that was hip, so she shouldn't be complaining. Not that she is, but I'm just saying she had better love Firefly.

We both reached for the remote a little while ago, to unmute the tv because of the new Coldplay iPod commercial, and it turns out she really likes that song. So I pulled out Parachutes, and we've been sampling that during commercials.

Today I also attempted to make a Boston creme pie, but it didn't turn out great. Eh, maybe next time.

