Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tokio Hotel

Happy Thursday! I'm writing short and fast because it's almost time for work and I might forget by the time I get back.

Yeah, I work at Blockbuster! Started this week! It's pretty good; I haven't had to deal with customers yet, so it's mostly busywork type tasks such as sorting, pricing, destroying, what have you. And so far only 4-hour shifts, although Saturday it'll be a 6 hour one. WOWO. Come visit me.

Um, I'm not going to recommend Tokio Hotel to you, because it's probably no to your tastes, but if you were interested in the band I'm currently interested in, look up Tokio Hotel on youtube. And, if you do, Bill is not a girl, because that will be the first question you ask. So I love Tokio Hotel, a German band, and I can't stop listening/singing along! Pulled out my German dictionary, even, heheheh.

Um, AX is next weekend.....err, actually a week from today. Dude. We still need to finish our costumes bad. XD They're coming along, but none are done done. It'll happen though, it always (usually) does. YAY I LOVE THE AX. It's probably my favorite set of days of the whole year. Jacqi's can't go anymore, though, so that's sad.

Me and Carolyn watched Mystery Men yesterday, but it was only okay. I never saw it because I heard it was dumb, but always secretly thought I'd like it. But eh. The Shoveler was cool, though.

Um, I don't think anything else happened this week. I think I've been working and when not working, gleaning youtube for Tokio Hotel. But now I have all the albums so I'm not on youtube anymore.

OH we saw Get Smart last weekend. Just as funny as I hoped it would be, but the story and characters were highly secondary. XD All the gags from the trailers were not funny anymore, and I'm happy that my favorite part didn't even make it into the movie (Max: I'm sorry, Chief!!! The Rock: He can't hear you, Max.) It really wasn't ever screaming-with-laughter-funny, either, just a lot of little jokes you laughed at every few minutes. So, yeah. I think it might also be a bit more worthwhile to people who have seen some of the show, because sometimes things would happen and I think newcomers would be lost.

AH. It's time to get ready for work now.

Also, my car needs all kinds of new brakes or something, and I've been driving in a death trap!! Or something like that. Have to drive the van to work. See you laterz.


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