Thursday, July 31, 2008

Work work work

Happy Thursday! Tomorrow is my first day off this week! I'm gonna watch movies alllllllllll day. Hurrah!

Since last week, this one kid at work has been sick, so I picked up at least three of his shifts. This week I was already scheduled yesterday, today, and Saturday equaling like 14 hours, and then I jumped in on Monday and Tuesday as well. So tired! Today even I got to sleep in until 10! Wow! But it's good, I'm getting better at working, and, like I say, I'm making all the monies.

I also successfully took and passed traffic school! That was fun. Learned some good jokes.

In between working and, like, traffic school, seen some movies. Squeezed in The Prestige between lunch with mom and work on Saturday. Hooboy I love that movie. And this week I have checked out Brick, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Seven Samurai, (and Heroes disk one, and Vantage Point, but those don't count because I've seen them both)--and my mom got some, including a French one we watched today, and IN BRUGES.

Watched In Bruges yesterday, and it's sorta my new favorite hitman movie. It's not particularly a hitman movie, other than that it has hitmen in it. It's funny and quirky and beautiful (in location and acting) and the muuuuusic is sooo good. Someone please buy this for me?

Um so that's really all that's happened this week. We're watching So You Think You Can Dance right now, it's not bad. One too many interpretive dance solos for my taste, but whatever. People are being kicked off. A six year old did some break dancing, which was really good. I like Joshua and Twitch, don't really care about any of the others.

Man I hate it when that lady screams.

Was it Comic-Con that was last weekend? Wish I had been there. Megan got to say hi to Simon Pegg, so !! I have no way to express my jealous glee in words.

So You Think You Can Dance is having an 80s acid trip right now. Whoa. You just have to see it. Pop music will never be low brow. You can take those words to the bank.

Oh, somewhere in this past times, we spent some time at the library, because I'm remembering when I read the script for Buffy's musical Once More, With Feeling. Anya kept talking about breakaway pop hits. It made me miss Buffy a lot, and glad that Joss got to achieve his dream by making a real musical like Dr. Horrible, and that he had a shot to figure things out in Buffy before going for it for real. Yeah, not sure at all if I'm being coherent. It's that time of day.

The fair has started! The fair! Ohhhhhhh I'm gonna go to the FAIR. I love the fair!!! I want to go one day all by myself and see everything. And take all the pictures. And NEXT YEAR I will enter photos. I promise it. (and hopefully work will continue to be dead because of the fair)

Happy birthday to Beth tomorrow!


(ps Joshua and Twitch are both coming back next week.)

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