Happy Thursday! I love the fair. I went to the fair yesterday, with Carolyn and Steven and Heidi and Karen! I took one picture, of a very interpretive lion, in the kids' art room. I have an epic story to relate.
So we went to get food at "Spiral Fry's" when I noticed the name of the stand was in blatant disregard of grammar. So I went up and I stole that apostrophe. In hindsight, that didn't make it anymore grammatical, but I wasn't worried about that at the time. Then I went around back to ransom the punctuation back to them.
"Give me ten dollars for this apostrophe, I stole it because it's not grammatically correct. You shouldn't even put it back up when you get it back," I told them.
They bought it from me, with cash in part from the most recent purchase at the front window.
This was Carolyn, who paid them a five for her spiral fries. Then she had to go stand in the other line for half an hour to get back up to the front and actually get the fries. It was a very long line.
Meanwhile, the employees decided to climb up on the ladder and replace the troublesome apostrophe. This act also took about half an hour, so Carolyn was just at the front of the line when they fixed the apostrophe back on. But I had boobytrapped it so when they foolishly reattached it, the whole stand exploded! So Carolyn never got her Spiral Fries even though she was thrown clear of the blast.
Because of this, though, she swore to get revenge for the loss of her spiral fries, and now I am on the run.
The moral of the story is: buy the corndogs. They're cheaper and they hand them to you right at the window!
Also while we were in line for the fries (it was a particularly long line, as maybe you can guess), I wondered if you could make a corn bread and maybe just sprinkle some hotdogs in it?
So today we bought some Jiffy mix and some hotdogs and made Corn Cups! Like mini-muffins with hotdog surprises in them. Pretty okay, but the first batch was very crumbly and didn't hold up so well. But they were oh-so cute. And delicious.
Also yesterday and today, we played Wii Fit, because they have that now. It's fun and painful! I learned a new way of hugging which is also yoga. I also have pretty good balance? If you have a Wii, you should probably get it, because it's worth while.
Oh and Carolyn's friends Christina and Ashley are here to visit. The used to be neighbors, back in the day. And Carolyn and Steven just went to visit them for a week. This doesn't really have anything to do with me, I don't know why I'm telling you. XD But we all watched The Onion Movie together, and then went out to Sumo for dinner. And then we came back and watched a Korean drama which is okay but not an instant favorite.
Whutelsewhutelse. Me and my folks started Heroes, because I can rent the DVDs for free. I kinda hate it, but I can't stop watching. My opinion of it is basically the same as it's always been--the ideas are good but the execution/presentation is very amateurish. The concepts are of a higher level than the writing (or acting, for that matter). But I suppose the newer seasons are better and better, right? I hope.
I guess that's all, because I can't remember any farther back. XD It's probably time for sleeps.
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