Happy Thursday. There are some people that I just don't ever want to have to deal with again, and luckily soon they'll be a bad memory. "Like a long night after a bad taco," as Mr. Sylar would say, but that's not very relevant.
Sam turned 21 today! His very own Blackjack Thursday Birthday. Which reminds me that I haven't kept track of ANY real Blackjack Thursdays this year, and that makes me sad. Maybe I'll do a retroactive count of them all. Anyway! Happy Birthday, Sam! I wish you all the best.
So for the movie we have this stuffed horse which we just started playing with as a member of the family. Beth named him...Reginald. I have forgotten his name every time I talk to him, calling him things like Roscoe and Rodriguez and Rocky and once Rocko. At some point in this, Megan turned to me and shouted, "HIS NAME IS SYLAR."
Guys, just telling you know, if you don't watch HEROES you're really missing out on half of what I ever talk about.
Wasn't on this week, but I think it'll be back next week? Took the time to watch HSM and HSM back to back before I had to return them. Those movies are wacky. And I went to a meeting tonight about going to Mexico, so I'll have to catch the OFFICE and 30 ROCK at some future point. (Both episodes from last week were fantastic, by the by)
Seeing as my Mexico trip is a four day thing, I've decided to call it Mexico AX. Where people dress up and buy cute souvenirs...? They showed a documentary about what "short-term missions" has come to mean, and how we're doin it rong, and it was very interesting. Someone teach me Spanish?
Shooting the movie is coming along. Still so much to do and not enough time to do it in. While it's going on I really don't feel like talking about it, so in a month or so you'll be getting a deluge of water-color memories about how great it was.
I think Blockbuster is paying me again tomorrow. Yay.
When I have so much going on, I tend to fall back on my natural creativity, and it's the least important things that start getting done. Like my miniseries and my sci-fi/fantasy "comic book" serial. I've rebooted the notemaking/outlining process on the first and actual writing on the second. Writing has always been my first line of defense against reality, my most natural and available form of escapism. I just wish I was always this productive, like when I have the time for it.
But seriously, I'm going to sell my miniseries for millions of dollars one day.
When I started my car today, the DJ on KROQ said Happy Thursday and I yelled at her with a startled fondness.
Oh yeah, and I hear we're getting a new president?
I'm going to go have some sleepytimes now. Or maybe I might get some quality Bade/Codes time in.
(Oh, and November started and apparently so did Winter)
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