Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lunam portare possum.

Happy Thursday! This week has been strange and exciting due to the fact that, thanks to external influences beyond my control, I have begun schooling myself in different subjects and referring to parts of my day as "class."

I have Latin in the morning. I am on chapter six, and have begun to translate full sentences. The strangest one so far has been "Servum e terra ad lunam equitare iubent" = "They order the slave to ride from the earth to the moon." But really, Latin seems to be a bit less complicated to learn than some of the others I've tried, and since there's no other alphabet to memorize, I like to think I've been making progress. Making flashcards tomorrow. Learn it with me!

After Latin I either go to work or have art class. Art class has been fuze beads, mostly, but I'm planning on returning to sewing one of these days. But first I'm going to make a Mario block and maybe 8-bit Mario. I've already made a bunch of geeky stuff, which you can see on Facebook. Today I tried making some Star Trek emblems that sorta don't work, and Captain Hammer's shirt logo, although it's a little unaccurate. My fave is the Watchmen smiley.

The class I have not been putting as much effort into is electronics. My dad brought home an "electronics learning lab" from Radio Shack, which is a little console for setting up circuits and seeing what switches and relays and potentiometers do. My goal is to build a radio. I checked out a book on repairing old radios, but it's a little specialized in its language. But I'm learning! It's one of those subjects that I need to absorb in coats. Splash a basic explanation on me, wait for it to dry, and then do it again until I know what you're talking about. I can do it!

The last subject I have really really been neglecting, since I haven't even pulled those books out of my bag yet. Cartography! Something I love in theory, but don't actually know one way or the other. I don't know how the books are yet, so I'll let you know how that's going once I really get started.

Other than that, I've been Harry Pottering it up--that's right, I should go back to the beginning. It all started at Jacqi's garage sale, which I helped put up signs for and did many illegal U-turns in the middle of Day Rd. Then I visited her and helped take the money from strangers and got the craziest sunburn ever and then took home many of her unsold books, like Hiroshima and Learn to Read Latin, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. (I also took a dart board and a train book and a Twilight Zone reader and a Gameboy color and a skirt I'm going to make into a pillow and give back)

So that's how I got Latin and Harry Potter. It is, actually, a very good book, which is what everybody says. They are not wrong. There was one sentence that even made me tear up! I would say that the movie takes a much more artistic approach, or shall I say lyrical, even, with they way they show us the things that actually happen offscreen to Harry's world. I guess I mean, in relation to Draco's storyline. Seeing the movie and reading the book are like two halves to a full whole, they complement each other nicely, and it feels like I'm getting to see more than one side of the world in which these people inhabit. In other words, now I'm going to have to see the movie again.

Yesterday I was reading the TV guide because I thought it was EW (they've really beefed up their information delivery!), and had several freaks out about casting decisions in upcoming seasons of things. For instance, now I'm going to have to watch SMALLVILLE for Callum Blue. But it also informed me that the DOLLHOUSE season one was out on the 28th, so I popped out to get it. While I fished around at the Barnes & Noble I accidentally also was coerced to buy the DR. HORRIBLE DVD that was staring me in the face, so I did.

Commentary! The Musical is almost better than the show itself. NO JOKE. And the DOLLHOUSE unaired episode was strange and depressing, and I dunno how to feel about it, just like how I feel about the show at large. I don't even know if I'd watch season one again, lol. Oh dear, the things I do for this man. It's been a couple of Jossy days.

The only other thing I would like to comment on is my Blockbuster song. In Glendora, we got KROQ pretty good. So I would listen to that most days, or if STAR was being too rappy. I ended up hearing this one song a lot, and particularly when I was going to work. I believe it must be by the Offspring, but I really don't know. Anyway, this year we get KROQ in V-town, so I still listen to it. Two days in a row I heard it on the way--and--when I had to go in one day before it ended, it was magically playing the end of it when I left and drove home. It was like it had paused for me and I couldn't believe it.

That, or they play that song way too much.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

We Need a Mascot

Happy Thursday! I think that Thursday needs a mascot, a cute and friendly sort of a thing that's always ready to make you smile. Brown and red, of course, perhaps something cuddly that is already those colors? Send me your ideas!

I feel like at various times this week, I mentally threw down tons of detailed discourses on tons of subjects that I would write about today. Like on book-to-movie adaptations and why people get so worked up about it....and I think at 5 this morning I was reciting my dream to myself so I would remember and tell you all about it.

The thing about me, is that whenever I start thinking up some argument or my opinions on a subject, I'll really think it over, and once it's properly sorted out, I'll forget all about it. You know, it's sort of like writing stories that I do--as long as they're unfinished, they'll come back to me and I'll work think on them a bit, but as soon as I stamp the date at the bottom of a document, I hardly ever think about that storyline after that.

DID YOU KNOW that the last thing I wrote/finished for my superhero series was over a year ago?? That means that all the things I've thought up for that series in the past year have never been written. I believe I've got a few pages on the second installment, but that's it. Kinda intense slacking on my part, seeing as I try to think about these storylines most every day.

I saw WATCHMEN this weekend, which is one of the reasons I was going to talk about film adaptations. Especially after seeing the Harry Potter, it became clear to me how some people get it right, and some people get it oh so wrong.

Some of that film was actually and literally taken straight from the pages, frame by frame emulated in moving sequence. Dialogue, too, whole scenes copied word-for-word. And then there were the deviations and abridgments one expects in an adaptation. I know they toted it as being super faithful to the graphic novel, but some times the undiluted passages came over extremely dull. And the stuff they changed in order to make it all fit (and to make the ending more palatable to a modern audience) was really rather contrived. (Also, the acting was horrendous.)

Alan Moore, the writer of Watchmen, has for years insisted that should a movie ever be made of his work, he would refuse to see it. You'll note his name is no where to be seen on that DVD. His reason being that when he set out to do what he did, he was aiming to reinvent the way comics did things. He was going to show the world what comics could do, narratively, visually. Things that only comics could do, a showcase not only for his art but for his art form. To make a movie, a different art form, from it would defeat much of its purpose.

And in the WATCHMEN's case, he was pretty much right. Normally, I would take a different stance about this, but that particular film was a poor adaptation, and chances are no one could have done better. Normally, my opinion is this:

Comparing a book to the film adaptation (specifically, criticizing the film for not matching up to the book point for point) is like comparing a sculpture inspired by a painting. Say someone paints a beautiful tree, and then someone decides to sculpt that same tree, only in the three dimensional medium of stone or what have you. The content is the same, the heart of it is the same, but clearly the methods of delivering the content to your eyes is utterly different. They're meant to be.

Saying something like "the Harry Potter movies are inferior to the books because they don't show every little detail" is like saying, "this sculpture is all wrong. Look, they even messed up the color of the sky! No, wait, they didn't even bother putting the sky in!" Well DUH you can't put a sky in a sculpture, just like you can't put fourteen pages of a character's thoughts into a 2 and a half hour movie.

What you have to do is see if the movie is, at it's very core, the same as the book. Does it impart all the meaning as the book? Does it make you feel the same? Then, as long as the movie is well made--by movie making standards--then that's a good adaptation, whether you like it or the book better. If you absolutely have to know what Harry was thinking at any given moment, you're welcome to read the book.

That's not a very good example of complaints the book fans have with the movies, but I can't actually think of any real ones at the moment. My point is, good books are defined by a set of standards, and good films have their own set. You can't judge the movie simply by how it fails to be a book.

Unless it's WATCHMEN, which, even as a movie, could have been improved greatly. I remember in ninth grade having to film a couple of scenes from Romeo and Juliet for English class--if you can imagine us standing around in silly costumes reading the foreign text in listless and unschooled voices.........that was WATCHMEN.

Well that's not really how I meant to spend this Thursday. Oh well. It was probably more interesting than how I spent the week, which was pretty uneventful as far as I can tell. Saw STAR TREK again at the cheap theater with Carolyn and Jacqi. I unashamedly wore my Ops shirt there, and I think the ticket lady was laughing at it, but it was very hard to tell whether or not she was actually laughing, and if so, what specifically she was laughing at.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday and the Half-Blood Prince

Happy Thursday! I had stopped reading them at Goblet of Fire, and only this week read Order of the Phoenix for the first time (after having seen it for the first time the day or so before that) so I was quite surprised at the meaning of the title! I will start reading it tomorrow.

This Thursday seems prematurely short, seeing as I woke up with enough time to dodder about before work, which was at 1. Left work straight for the movie, which, incidentally, is just across the parking lot. Home a little after 7, jogged while watching a bit of THE OFFICE and SMALLVILLE, and basically here I am.

I got my free Star Trek shirt today! I sent Kellogg's my nine tokens (ten, just to be safe), and finally I gots my free shirt. It's red, which was the color for Ops personnel from 2265 to the 2270s. I'd be in Ops because I would be the navigator on a starship, and my quarters would be covered in old maps from many different planets. For away missions, I would cartogaph new worlds! That would be my dream job if I had Starfleet training.

I'm pretty certain that the only things I've done this week are read Order of the Phoenix and play FFVIII.

OH. One thing I forgot to tell you last week, even in the undestroyed version of the note, was that at the AX I picked up a new Greatest Hits copy of FFVIII for twenty bucks. I thought that was a good deal until I checked out Amazon just now. VII and VIII are out of print now, so their prices skyrocketed, and I'd always said my biggest regret was not buying VIII for the PS2. When it was new, I bought it for the PC for $40, lol. And I never beat it because playing on the PC was ridiculous and I didn't know enough about gaming when I started to really have a chance.

(see, now, a new original copy of VII at the AX was going for $200, while at the booth I bought my VIII it was less than that; new from Amazon it starts at $165.)

FFVIII was my first video game, probably after Pokemon Blue. I'd grown up watching my brother play previous installments (I can remember when he got II, VI, and VII: I hid at the top of the stairs watching Cloud dangle from a ledge instead of going to sleep that Christmas), but neither my brother or my cousin knew anything about VIII when I bought it. It's shocking to see now how much I was missing ten years ago, I've learned so much about the game play this week that I just didn't know about. How I made it into the third disc at all is beyond me!

FFVIII is my VOYAGER. It may not be my fave, but it's my first, so it has a special place where I don't have to judge it, I can just think on it with fond nostalgia. Playing it all the way through to the end is going to be great.

Although, this makes it three different Final Fantasies that I'm currently playing and have not defeated. One day, my pretties. One day.

We had an inexplicable excursion to Taco Bell yesterday. They had strange "work here!" signs as we entered, which depicted a leaping girl dissolving at the extremities into swirling rainbows bursting with music paraphernalia and tacos. Inside, we were pelted for the duration of our stay with unremarkable classical music. My mom ordered a burrito supreme, and I, the grilled stuft. We were given two burrito supremes. $1.99 for one of those, 3-something for what I wanted. She ordered another grilled stuft and we received another burrito supreme, this time costing 2-something. Exchanged that one for what I had wanted all along, which only reinforced my idea that going to Taco Bell should be carefully reconsidered.

Oh my gosh, this blog is so geeky today. I cannot, for the life of me, think of one hip thing I did this week.

-Ensign Stephanie Anderson

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Funtimes + Coldtimes + Angrytimes

Happy Thursday! And a shout out to my lucky friends Carolyn and Brianna, who had Thursday Birthdays today! 00t! Hooray for you guys!

So the AX was a week ago! It was great, but so short. :<

HERE I'm really angry because when I added that stupid picture in at the bottom of the post, a bunch of my post got deleted, like my reflections on the AX. So now you don't get any of my insights on how fun it was, or how we didn't get tired like normal, or how we went to events instead of hanging out in the hotel or how I was in the same room with my favorite power ranger. UNHAPPY.

my new Facebook album I just spent the last hour arranging. Did you know you can put 200 pictures in an album now?! Unbelievable! So I splurged and added some blurry ones and some not-so-pertinent ones. Enjoy!

I lost two pounds at the AX. I wish regular life consisted of strolling around all day. I don't do nearly enough random strolling.

And on Tuesday I lost three pounds! I caught a cold, perhaps from the multitude of parks me and Carolyn visited on Monday. I'm mostly better now, but for the draining of excess head fluids. :<

AND also here it took out everything about what we did today for Carolyn's birthday, like make sandwiches at the park and switching parks and looking at the dog park and playing Wii Mario Kart which is hard. And my thoughts on all the movies we watched this week, which were generally mediocre. UPSET!!

I cheat!" or "Waluigi lose!!"

Then we watched I AM LEGEND. It was a nice movie, as movies go, but I wasn't invested. Liked the dog. Then we watched an ep of DUE SOUTH, remember that one? Only six left, oh no!! That particular episode was not one of the best.

BUT I heard that Katee Sackhoff and Callum Keith Rennie are gonna be on 24!! I believe Katee already is/was? That's Starbuck and Leoben, fyi. Together at last, lol.

Also in that episode of DUE SOUTH, Michael Hogan aka Colonel Saul Tigh was a creepo country music manager. I would have loved to see Rennie and Hogan's first meeting on the BSG set and being all "ohhhh I remember you, lol."

And then I came home and I should really go to sleep so I don't die at work tomorrow. That would not be the best for anybody. and I'm the best at what I do.


Here's my chair:
Hope it was worth it.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

It's that anime time of year again

Happy Thursday! I confess that as I write these words, it is not Thursday yet in the strictest sense. But if I have any hope of waking up tomorrow at 6 AM, I had best start writing now.

"Tomorrow" is Thursday, July 2nd, aka AX opening day. That's right, folks, the day when I put on a silly costume and parade around amongst similarly attired nerds fellows. This year our troupe is going primarily from Soul Eater, a show about kids who are weapons or their wielders, who go to a school to train for harvesting the souls of the corrupt. Hooray!

My name is Black Star, and I'm somewhat of a ninja, discounting the blue hair. My weapon partner is Tsubaki, whose weapon modes include little scythe things that have a proper name I don't know, a smoke bomb, a giant ninja star, and also a fey blade mode which makes Black Star crazy. Most people only have one or a mega form as weapons, but we're ninja so we're special.

I didn't get around to taking pictures of my chair, but I promise next week this thing will be FULL of pictures of all sorts.

I did a lot of sewing this week, mostly sewing is what I did. We also went and saw TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, which is pretty much like the first one, all the same pros and cons. If you like robots and explosions for two and a half hours, go see it!

There was a trailer for the new Harry Potter movie, too, and I was all "I wish I was excited about that." So we went and rented the first three movies and watched those. I hadn't ever seen the first! I'm pretty sure I haven't seen the fourth or fifth, either. After this anime ruckus is over, I'll be Harry Pottering.

Did I do anything else? OH LISTEN EVERYONE LISTEN.

There's a pilot going by the name of VIRTUALITY, and you can watch it here. It's a sci-fi drama co-written and co-produced by the mind behind the BSG reimaging, and it's one of the best things I've seen in my life. During this two hour pilot, I remarked aloud something along the lines of, "I'd be willing to watch the next ten seasons of this," referring to the plot's ten year mission to another solar system. Little did I know that NO ONE has plans to pick this up as a series, so as it stands, this two hour "movie" is all there ever will be of this concept.

THIS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE THE CASE. It's like when you hand a little kid a puppy, they fall in love with it, and then two hours later you grab it away and throw it into an ice-fishing hole. Or you get to go to Disneyland for the first time, and after two hours, the ghost of Walt Disney comes out of the castle and burns the place to the ground. It's like saving up all year to go to your favorite fancy restaurant, and after two hours of standing in line, the FDA guy comes up and closes it forever.

So I'm doing my part and creating what little buzz I can muster, and recommending this strongly to everyone who reads this. At least AT LEAST click on the link. You can also watch it here. Rarely has a pilot ever had such an impact on me, and with the decline of scripted television there's always the fear that there will never be another show of this caliber. I NEED it to continue. You do, too. You just don't know it.

VIRTUALITY. Tell your friends.

I can't think of any thing else superly exciting from this past week, and it is actually Thursday now, so I might just close this off now! Happy Thursday!

I'll bring you back something dorky from the expo!
