Thursday, November 05, 2009


Happy Thursday! Also, happy Guy Fawkes Day, but we'll get to that.

Let's discuss V. Not V for Vendetta, and not V necks. Not even ctrl+v, which is how I'm pasting in all these hyper links. Just plain V.

So aliens come, right? And Morena Baccarin has short hair and is one. And then three weeks pass. The one FBI agent uncovers a secret ring of alien-haters, which, just to prove their point, is raided by the aliens. The end.

Also, they are among us, which is super Cylon-esque. I've heard two different people say that they would have liked the pilot of V a lot better if the mystery had been strung on a little (or a lot) longer, so that their being evil was a surprise. BUT I say, it's a remake, and the point of the show is that aliens show up and are liars, and the humans have to fight to survive. Removing that element from the pilot isn't going to make it any less true. It would be like remaking BSG and having the Cylons destroy the colonies mid-season. That's just not what the show is supposed to be about.

That being said, I didn't love it. I thought I saw in a review that it was smart and stylish, but I detected neither of those attributes. But, like a few other things I've stuck with this season, it has every chance of growing into something worthwhile. In any case, it's lightyears beyond the original, which has been playing on Syfy. Seeing bits of a few episodes, all I could discern was that the aliens were poor dressers and had a thing against "scientists."

"So who is this family hiding out, anyway?" "Oh, just a bunch of scientists."
blam blam! a guy is shot at a checkpoint. "Who's this guy?" "He's a scientist!"
"You can't die, you're a scientist" and so on and so forth.

But my favorite favorite moment of the original miniseries was when a boy was recounting poorly the attack the night before, and the man says to him, "It's alright, you're okay. And then what happened?" Comedy GOLD.

On Halloween I went to work as Speed Racer. On the whole, people thought I was Gilligan, second guess was "Scooby Doo," and two guys actually came up and said "Speed Racer!" It was fun. What was coolest was that Carolyn threw together a pretty good classic Racer X costume, and we went out together into the world to show of our awesomeness. And then we played Rockband and then we watched SPEED RACER. It was a full day.

Next day, I committed myself to write a novel during National Novel Writing Month. You can track my progress here. I'm writing about my vampire academy, which is a misnomer because it is not primarily about vampires or an academy. Then again, it's not called that, it's called Epoch, since it's about the fall of one era and the start of a new one, and the mistake one man made to cause it, and the resolve of one woman to save him regardless. It's sorta epic.

And since I have something I should be doing, of course I've been doing everything but. Have you seen the cute apron I sewed? I sewed a whole apron! You can find it on Facebook. And I'm halfway done with another, and I sewed a pillow and another half apron. And I watched every movie like HITMAN and VAN HELSING and SCOOBY DOO 2 and EASTERN PROMISES and MILK. So we're keeping pretty busy.

Y'alright, I'd best be back to work. I'm 200 words over my daily goal, but that just means I gotta keep writing. I'll let you all know how it is when it's done!


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