Thursday, January 21, 2010


Happy Thursday! For the first time in maybe ever, we've had like a different rain storm every day this week. It's insane. And damp. Our door leaks, and I stood around in it for a really long time just now. More on that later.

There was rain so loud it woke me up, thunder so loud it rocked the house, lightning so close I saw the flash from under the curtain. Reports of hail, but I never saw any. Any day now, California is just going to float away. Bye, continental US!

When I'm not at work or sleeping (which are two things I do often) I'm probably listening to the Beatles. Sometimes one or more of these things overlap. I have some leads on selling my cello, followed by some leads on picking up a bass, and then I'll be all set to be the next McCartney. This is something I'm looking forward to greatly.

Finally saw HELP! and unfortunately followed it with MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR and so to make up for the mild disappointment/shocking disappointment of that experience, I went back to A HARD DAY'S NIGHT, and the world was right again. I still have YELLOW SUBMARINE waiting (on VHS! From the library!) but that's a different category altogether.

Just now, whilst standing in a damp carpet, I jammed out with my pops to the Beatles. The piano is next to the door, you see. It's an electric piano, which means he can record a drum track and then a bass track and then we can jam along to that (and also means that we could probably get electrocuted). Once I have my bass he won't need that bass track! But for now I just sing, which is suddenly a hobby of mine. TY, rockband.

After reading that George Harrison biography, and now that I'm in the middle of a general Beatles' history, one of the strongest things that stands out to me about their success is their single-minded passion to succeed.

Cleaned my room a bit today, which is to me always the first step in getting things done. Because if I was to go out and get an apartment, I couldn't just leave all this junk here OR take it with me, so I really need to get rid of most of this stuff so's to have piece of mind about materialistic freedom. Getting rid of the cello is also a part of this junk-dump; second stage in success-achieving is continuing to write and look for internships. Then I'm pretty sure 2010 will become the year it promises to be.

Avatar: Eh. Great graphics but truly average storytelling.
Gamer: Great visual style. Spent a lot of time on that, surely. Didn't spend any time on anything else.
The Invention of Lying: Much much much less funny than I had thought it would be.
Sherlock Holmes (the one on DVD where he fights dinosaurs): Some of the most unapologetic nonsense I've ever experienced.
I'm Not There: Didn't make sense to the non-Dylan-initiate.

Whu-oh. Blogger is having some sort of red ERROR bar up there, so I'm going to figure that out and/or put this up on Facebook. Be safe in this murderous weather!

(Sorry this didn't make it out last night. Crazy the Internet.)

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