Thursday, April 01, 2010

So Many Friends

Happy Thursday! For this magical Thursday, I've done a video blog!!! You can find it here.

If you have any questions after watching that video, more answers are here.

My social calendar has been quite full this week! Saturday night Sam came for a visit, under highly fortuitous circumstances! So Sunday was a fun adventure for the both of us, as I took him sight seeing and we ended up going to two separate places that I'd even never been to.

Mostly we played Beatles Rock Band. There was a magical moment where, as Clapton to my Harrison, he 100%'d the solo in While My Guitar Gently Weeps. So I gotta trophy! It was a proud moment for us all.

Shortly after, we had an adventure around the park, and then had a photo shoot, the evidence of which you can find on Facebook. It was a great day.

Then Carolyn came back from Japan, which was where she was for a short time. So yesterday we hung out and I got to see all the pictures and hear the horror stories. She got me a cutest lil Owl guy and a figuring of Lightning from FFXIII. Adorable, one and all.

Today Beth has come over! And we're gonna dye eggs and shirts and watch movies about British music etc. But for dinner we went to this new ramen place, to which I have literally taken everyone I know. We went there last night and when Sam was here, which was their grand opening weekend.

It's pretty good/okay. I've had three different things now, the best of which by far is the curry rice. Go there! I'll give you directions.

Oh and I got new fish! Two more baby neon tetras, which are eggs called Dhani and Brian, and a flying fox, which is supposed to eat the new algae (but I don't think he is). I named him During, 'cause it occurred to me that that would be a cool name.

Oh and Beth wants me to tell you how well I can play with What is Life. We'll jam it up tomorrow, Beth wants me to instruct you to look for our names in lights. Which is eggs RIDICULOUS because it would be our band name in lights, not our name names. So, look for MDMB in lights.

(I also learned Lady Madonna and that's about it.)

Peace and love, peace and love no more autographs

ringo -Steph!

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