Happy Thursday! Weather's been nice here, how's yours? I wish I would have spent more time outside, though. Went for a bit of a walk today, but that's the first time in ever. I'll try harder.
Hung out at Green Forest today with Jacqi, having blended drinks and looking at craigslist. Should probably be doing that more often, too. Hanging out with Jacqi, I mean.
I told you I rewatched Scott Pilgrim a couple weeks ago. Since then I've jumped back into bass quite enthusiastically. Learned the bass part to that Metric song that the Clash at Demonhead plays in the movie. Gonna work on a Doors song next. It's a little tough because I haven't played in so long, and my hands are unstretchy and weak right now. But we're working on it.
Been playing guitar regularly for a couple weeks now, too, and my callouses are just about to come in properly. I got my basic chords down almost perfect, but we're working on that, too. My strategy is to learn specific songs rather than just chords out of the blue, because then if they have a chord I don't know, I'll have to learn it in context with other chords and I think that will help me better in the long run rather than just trying to get them down by rote.
It's amazing how much muscle memory plays into this. That's how I learn, too. Hand-learning, not head-learning. So the key is practice, practice, practice.
Started a workout regimen that I've followed the entirety of this week. Two miles in a half an hour and then some free weights. Gonna be Clark Kent for Halloween, so I gotta get ready.
Got a couple hours added onto work this week, so that's nice. Gotta get ready to go pretty soon. Decided I'd bang this out now instead of when I get back just in case I go on another adventure like that one time. Turns out they're just paving the shoulders?? I don't know if that means they'll be doing the actual lanes coming up, or if they're just going to leave it at that.
Oh yeah, I also entered some stuff in the fair. Same 77 year old guy as last time. So look out for those, they're all poems this year. Thinking about entering a pie or something, and of course a funny shaped lemon. Also thinking about getting a "season pass" which is only $30, less than the price of three individual days. And I love the fair, so I think that'll turn out to be a mighty fine deal.
See you guys later.
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