Thursday, August 04, 2011

Pepito: A Remembrance

Happy Thursday! The fair's on! I won a second and a third for two poems, but nothing for the lemon. :< The one that won "funny shaped" was just a huge monster that wasn't funnier shaped than the other entries. Just larger. There goes my winning streak.

So remember September 09 when I got a fish tank and then one of this fish I bought had fish babies? Remember how one of them survived by hiding in the fake plant? Remember how there were like five more living in the filter? Remember how I took out the tank divider too early and all the filter fish got eaten? And Pepito the plant-lurker was the only one who made it?

Well he got sick and died. He was a bad hat, but he will be missed.

But me and Carolyn went to the fair yesterday and looked at evvvverything. We spent like five hours there. I had udon and a corndog and spiral fries and a gingerbread cake and kettle corn. Laughed at all the kids art, tried to pet a donkey, wandered through the gardens, looked at all the collections of rocks and pokemon cards. It was super full of people, but seemed less full of exhibits.

The rabbits cages were full of chickens and/or empty. There was a butterfly cage instead of kaleidoscopes. The giant model train town was only a half a track.

But it was cool. Full of sawdust and children's screams. OH we looked at giant snakes!

It was Beth's birthday on Monday! Happy birthday, buddy! I got her Minecraft and then we built a giant guitar for her to live in. :>


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