Thursday, May 17, 2012

I was about to go to sleep and everything

Happy Thursday!  Hello folks.  I was nanoseconds away from shutting down my computer and becoming unconscious.  What a disaster that would have been!  But now you're just standing in the way between me and that dream of mine, so shove over.

This weekend was the MSi Battlegrounds tournament hosted at Green Forest.  I went to help Jacqi out, and I signed people in and handed out raffle tickets and shirked my duties to watch LoL matches and got free drinks and played Pokemon Pinball on my rad berry pink Gameboy Color.

This week at school things started coming along because I didn't have to read that stupid book anymore and was mainly installing and configuring stuff.  Yesterday and today I researched components for a theoretical computer--but I was looking for stuff to build a rig to host my Minecraft server, so if I find some 300 bucks I can totally construct it.

So it was a fun week!  I made friends and progress.  And watched most of season 6 of Doctor Who in one day, WHICH IS AMAZING.

In other words:  sleep time.


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