Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ah, the funny things I seen

Happy Thursday! Twas a funny one, I tell ya. And good, 'cause it was my first day off after the 9-hour-block-of-days. Ehh. Me and Carolyn, we went to Buena! And saw Mrs. Lyans--snuck into her class, and she didn't even notice us! That was really funny. And then we sat through Film Studies ('cause we took that class!) and learned vast knowledges about film.

But then it was lunch, and we wandered all around the school trying to find Zack, to give him a Go set, him being the final surviving member of the Go club. We found Carolyn's cousin Sam, but no Zack. So we went to the library and saw our good librarian friends! The funniest part there was when Mrs. Gray was telling Mrs. Fordahl about how Carolyn went to New Zealand, and then all of a sudden Mrs. Fordahl turns to us and says all loud "So you went to New Zealand!!" When the two of us had not really been expecting that. Also, I almost put my hand in a spider later.

So Mrs. Fordahl looked up Zack's schedule for us, so we went and stalked him outside his class, and then we followed him back to the office (where he had been hiding during lunch) so he could stash the board and stones with his mom. And then I met his mom! Who's crazy! It was great. Shoulda seen her dance. XD Zack, your mom's great. ^^

Then we went to Burger King, and decided that there had been a mutiny in the ship. Which you won't understand. But I assure you it was. So all of our little inside jokes about the place were funny...and our discussion of transporters and shields. And we got awesome football game/toys!

Then we went to go pick up Steven at Maverick's...there's a couple of gigantic fans in there that are just gonna fall and kill everybody. Also, they had a little tv by the front desk playing some fake tae bo stuff which was funny. But definitely the best part of the whole day was when we were leaving. Carolyn was backing out, and just went far enough so that the radio (105.5) transformed into Mexican music. We're all "....0o!!" and then she pulled forward to leave, and everything went back to normal. It was like a randomly placed Twilight Zone.

And then.....We went back to their house and watched three eps of Host Club!!! And if that's not funny, nothing is. Totally a wonderful show. Ah. Then we played Starcraft against too many people and repeatedly died! But then me and Carolyn took on Steven and won. Not funny, just fun.

And then I played a little of the Loco Roco demo on the PSP, and that was both funny and fun. And aggravating. During that, I had some food, which was good and aggravating, because my jaw started acting up. Then I went home.


Oh, but then I saw the Office, and like an hour of Whose Line? and finished the funny day quite well. And I also started it well last night in my dream, when there was a really long goat.

SO ONE WEEK LEFT OF STUPID WORK. Something Next Thursday will really have to be happy about. Also, I forgot to say happy end of the summer last week, 'cause the schools are back on! Hense our going to Buena and there being people there. Soon, the rest of us will be going back as well.

This work thing has, for the first time in my entire life, really really made me look forward to school.


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