It's a little less than three weeks till school starts, I reckon. But it's *two weeks* until work ends. And that's just fantastic.
Hahah, Smallville is still so dumb! Lana's like a drug addict, and tried to steal money from Lex, who almost shot her. XD And what's this about CW? UPN and WB merging? Interesting. Maybe they'll finally figure out how to not cancel their most popular shows.
So I saw David today. David like from Buena. I guess he still reads this, or something. @@ He's a lot taller and stuff. Way to go, David!
What else happened today!! Watched some DS9, the first ep, it was really bad. Um, didn't do too much else before I went to work. Didn't do much at work, either. I'm so boring.
Smallville is also boring!! Lex is the only reason to watch it. Lex, and the great laughs you always get from watching it.
Oh, just saw the Visine commercial with the cat (great commerical!! it's a face all allergic people know well) and it reminds me that I don't have a cat anymore. Yeah, Simba. One day he was nyaoing around, and then, he nyaoed no more. We don't know exactly what happened--he just is gone. It's pretty sad, and abrupt.
Yawn. All this summer sleeping makes me tired. Or, maybe it's this bad show. Did you know, that when you die, you see your dead parents? Yeah. Sorry, Lex, gotta watch.
Thanks for waiting. The guy looks good in black. Too bad he became Clark's evil cousin or whatever. Grar. Hmm, this is less a Happy Thursday message than Stephanie's Random Notes on Smallville. Hmm. Sorry about that. Well, now it's over!
Happy Thursday!
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