Thursday, May 24, 2007


Happy Thursday!

My brother and his family is here to visit from Colorado! I want to direct you to my Flickr to see pictures of them, but I haven't taken any yet. I do, though, have a set there, my Japanese presentation on my family, that is relevant. In Japanese, though. But I have pictures on my camera right now that I need to put on my computer.

I really want to write something interesting today, but I am again distracted by the tv. But today it's Studio 60, which I've never seen before. It's not bad. It's a show about a live show, which I sorta know about from silly film class. Live television is one thing I will never do. But Studio 60 is weird. It's like 30 Rock in premise, but not as funny. It's like ER in it's intense shifting around between people and their issues. It ain't as good as 30 Rock. Or most shows.

Veronica Mars ended, and it was good enough. I still need to see the second season, but the first season was truly epic. Lost was strange. Very strange. Office finale was cute.

Oh, sadday because I didn't wear my Thursday clothes because they were dirty. Did my laundry last week *on* Thursday, silly me.

Hm, seems the internet cut out just now. Hope this goes through when I'm done.

So I've been having these intense dreams where all sorts of plotty things happen in distinct places with well-developed characters. And we have conversations and conflicts and wars and bake sales and stuff. I think it's because I haven't written anything for like a month and a half, so I have like, the mind-bloat, and it's coming out at night. I wish the dreams made more sense so that I could remember them and write them.

Now Alton Brown's gonna teach me about tuna.



Unknown said...

Oh my gosh I just finished LOST and I haven't talked to you about it. I am totally caught up because Jason tivo'ed them for em and my only response is...WHAT THE HELL? OH my gosh. I am so confused and have so many questions I just don't know what to do. I watched 14 hours of LOST in 3 days. AMAZING!

Stephanie Anderson said...

Um yes! Why haven't we talked about it! That's totally amazing that you got caught three days. I mean, shoot.

In one of my recent dreams, Mal and Zoe and the rest of the Firefly crew were interrogating Ben, who was in a bucket. Thought you'd like that.