Thursday, December 06, 2007

One Year Left

Happy Thursday! Today was actually really great, right off the bat. Sure I woke up at 7 to finish off a paper due later, but after that it was really great. For example, something ridiculously cute happened right in the morning. (If you want to know, you can ask me about it and I might tell ya) And then I only had one more class! You know what that means? Just a few finals and then a year from now I'll be outta college.

@@! AHH!

Instead of class (it was cancelled, ask anybody), me and Megan went out and saw No Country for Old Men. It started off really strong, it was beautiful and I was really digging the one-step-ahead/cat-n-mousing going on....but then it took a turn that I don't think was very cinematically smart. It's based on a book, right? And apparently it follows it word-for-word.....which may be a perfect adaptation, but in my opinion it doesn't make for a perfect movie. But it started out good, and the characters were really solid and motivated and performed brilliantly.

So last Friday it rained. Just woke up and it was raining, and it rained All Day Long. The days before and after were not the least bit rainy, and most of this week has been rather hot. Until today, it started raining again right before ...I guess it was 9, before Grey's. Weird. Crazy winter.

Friday and Saturday was the sitcom taping, of course, but I don't have any more pictures other than what I posted last week from the rehearsal. It went really well! A pretty full house both nights, and the audience was sooo cooperative! Got a lot of laughs (even repeatedly), even at the political jokes, which was really a surprise. But the writing was far from the star of the show--mad props to the cast for putting up with our re-writes Saturday night and really pulling the whole thing off; and hooray for a smashing set and a crew who knew what they were doing. It was a pretty awesome experience. Good job, everyone. I'm gonna miss it and you all.

What else is new? I got my Hot Fuzz poster, and it is living quite merrily over my desk. Bought some pretty brown wrapping paper today. Ummm and. I feel like I should tell you a cute story. Let me think of one. Once upon a time, there was a little bed. Then it died. The end. Hahah, that was by my niece, I think it's the best story ever.

Oh, how did I forget?! We went and saw Enchanted Tuesday, me and Megan and Beth. That was pretty cute and had some LOL moments. Yes, it was ridiculous, but don't let the Dempsey fool you! It's a Disney movie, after all, and once you remember that, then you can fully enjoy it. Speaking of wacky fun, we caught the last half of Ugly Betty today. First time either of us had seen it ever, and we were both really surprised at how bizarrely weird it was. It's hilarious, guys. XD Probably going to keep that up from now on. If only the strike would end (I'm whining now) I want my tv back!!

Oh, I'm going to see if the internet is good enough to watch Chuck now. 'Cause of the strike I didn't even check to see if it was new this week--lucky for me it is!

C'mooooooon Christmas break!!


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