Thursday, October 23, 2008


Happy Thursday. I was so busy today I did not make it to any classes. Hoorah. Clarifactory is a word I invented that combines "clarification" and "satisfactory." In other words, it means to have satisfactorily clarified something, or made something clear. If you ask someone why they bought a dozen pounds of onions, and their answer is something like, onions grow in the ground, that answer is NOT clarifactory.

Dear diary,

I am so busy. At this point, it seems as though half of our plans for shooting Saturday are fallen through, and maybe even some shooting down the road. I don't have any time to fix it, only to try.

I did a lot of stuff today but it doesn't seem like it was really a lot. A couple of things were going places that were closed and I had to go back. Some working-through-problems conversations were had, and problem-solving emails and phonecalls were made, but in the end no one emailed back and no one had time to fix things.

I did, however, solve my need-ministry-credits-to-graduate problem. The MAS office finally emailed me back saying I can turn in the paperwork before I go (the turning-in-to-graduate deadline is during the Thanksgiving weekend), and I got an application to turn in tomorrow. So I'll be going to Mexico over Thanksgiving, I just have to tell Blockbuster.

I worked with Ben again last night, which wasn't very fun. I don't understand people who aren't nice. I'm only working until 9 on Friday for some reason, but that's great because I'll have to get up super early on Saturday for filming.

Oh, the Office suddenly became on, so I will watch it because that's my fave. I don't know if it's the same for you, but the commercials are sooo much louder than the show. It's a good show.

Heroes, now, is rapidly becoming a not-good show. Even the Sylar bits this week were less than ideal. Mostly because he was interacting with a poorly-motivated character, and made poor decisions based on the other character's out-of-characterness. I really can't even tell you a highlight. I could tell you a bunch of stuff that was stupid. I just don't understand what these people are thinking. It would be nice if the show actually started to get better.

Oh, looks like 30 Rock is starting up again next week!

Tonight we're sorta kinda having a read-through of the script, don't know who all is showing up. Should be fun? Also bringing along some of the costume pieces me and Beth bought today, see if they fit. Also if any crew shows up, then they'll know what's going on, 'cause I haven't really gotten a script to every single person. I think Reclamation last year had a read through that I missed, and that's why I was so confused all the time on set.

For Senior Sem. me and Megan went to see a documentary about the South Central Farm? There was this farm in South Central LA, that the community ran for like ten years, but then the city sold it back to its original owner who kicked everyone off to build warehouses. It's very fascinating. I doubt it's on dvd or anything, but if you ever get the chance, you should watch it. It's called The Garden and it's the best true-life LA noir drama I ever saw.

And just because I like mentioning people to tag, me and Brianna were up way late chatting. 'Cause we hardly ever talk because she's so busy and now I'm so busy, so we caught up. It was cool.

This party on Grey's just reminded me of when me and Beth went to Accounts Payable today to pick up the check for our budget. There was this massive party, brownies and cookies and mini cupcakes and sodas and like twenty ladies. Because I guess it's Accounts Payable Appreciation Week. The cookie was quite good.

Okay, I gotta go to the meeeeeeting! I hope you all have a nice day.


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