Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Rant that Killed Email

Writing this email every week is a lot of trouble!

I mean, it can't be that much trouble, seeing as I've written one every week for many many months. If it was really a big bother, I'da given up soooo long ago.

I think the biggest problem is this address.

I used this one from the beginning, because I knew that that's where I'd be going at the end of the summer, and I thought it'd be neat to send it from a official college address. But then they switched email things on me, and I've been using an "old" "not as good" format of the email service thingie since August. So, instead of going to the "new" "shiny" Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access thing, I'd been going back to the "Old Mail" "Squirrel Mail" server thing because it had all your addresses.

But, now that just won't work (didn't work last week, hence the yahoo invasion), and I don't have your addresses in the Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access Thing, and it was VERY TIME CONSUMING to copy them all over. Which is why I never did in the first place. And then, to my horror, just adding the addresses to the "To" bar......I have to open my address book, select My Contacts instead of Global Address List, and then SEARCH for my contacts by their name, title, city etc. What, am I supposed to SEARCH for each one of your names to add you? Individually? I can't see a LIST of my contacts when I am trying to write to them?? So I go back into my contacts (the non-while-writing-an-email kind) and double click on ALL OF YOU one by one and add "thursday" as your company name, so when I come back to writing, I can search for everyone in my contacts who works for thursday, and then I can send you an email.

I hate this Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access Thing. I really, really do.

Plus, this being a university account, I can only hold so much in my inbox/outbox/drafts/deleted items combined. This runs out very often, and I have to delete stuff. I'm not fond of deleting stuff. Sure, I'll delete junk and things I don't need anymore, but I'm one who likes to horde for posterity. Also about this university account, sometimes it'll just go down, like that Thursday Panic! we had a while ago.

All of this is why this address is a big problem for writing these emails.

The lesser problem is that it is email.

I know that the utter purpose of email is to send messages to any number of people nigh instantaneously, and that's what I need to do each week, but it's not the best way to do it. I've gotten changes of addresses, that I have to update. Messages bounced back from full inboxes. Messages returned saying that I was blocked by some over-zealous spam-blocker. And because of the way my own email works, the only copies I have of each message are the ones you haven't deleted.

And also: I got these addresses (for Buena kids, anyway) out of the ones they left in my yearbook. How many people are actually reading this this week? I'm thinking there's some with dusty accounts with a pile of unopened Happy Thursdays! and don't even know it. Of course I've gotten replies from a lot of you saying how you look forward to it, and that I should keep it up--and I will! But do I have to email it to those who don't read it? To those who don't want it, and aren't telling me?

A long while ago, my dad said "Blog it!" And I was all, "ehhhhhh."

In conclusion, no more emails. Thursday messages can and will be found at the above link. I made it big so you can see that it's there, because in past experience, not so many people go to the things that I link to in emails. This way I don't have to worry about addresses, contacts, my email/school server not working, people not getting it, people getting it who don't care, etc, etc, etc. All you have to do is bookmark the above link and check it whenever you normally check your email late Thursday afternoons. And this way I'll have a copy of every one, neither of our inboxes will flood, and you can even comment and see what other people have to say.

Old Thursdays never die; they just get reconfigured.



Anonymous said...

Steph -

Welcome to the Blogosphere!!!


Anonymous said...

I bookmarked this so I should be able to find you makes sense as you explained it. See, sometimes Dad IS right! Mom